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Stranger Prayers

In the first weeks after landing in America several people told me, “I pray for you every day.” Two of these individuals I had never even met! I cannot express how encouraging it was to arrive back and find many remembering and praying for us. Our three-month furlough began September 25, and we have been thrilled to see faithful churched, dear friends, and so many people we love.

The McCrums with Pastor & Mrs. Baughman, Jessica and Samson

1,000 miles each week, and counting

That’s our logbook so far, and thankfully our bodies are strong, our spirits are high, and the car is still running well.

Julie & Janel

David & Klori


Updates on our last letter

  • Archie and Khethiwe continue to look for options for moving into town.
  • Vehicle — We were able to obtain a long-term rental that is reliable.

Our support is currently at 75%

We are asking the Lord for new ministry partners. Please contact us for for more information, or go to our support page to begin now!

This year we are in the USA for only three months,

and we plan on returning to the USA for three months in 2019. Not only will this allow us to be in South Africa longer, but it will also enable us to report back to churches more frequently. If we have been unable to be with you this furlough, we look forward to being with you in 2019.

In the meanwhile… Watch our latest ministry update video!

Be sure to visit our website for recent family photos and our updated prayer card.

Grace and peace,

David & Julie McCrum


A hard copy of this letter will be mailed to all churches. Or, download the PDF version.

Commissioned by Stanley Heights Baptist Church, Pastor Brent Baughman
Supported through Biblical Ministries Worldwide (indicate “McCrum 4004”)